Day Treatment Intensive
Our Day Treatment Intensive (DTI) Program serves those children ages five to eleven in the South Los Angeles area that are seriously emotionally disturbed and/or have relationship and/or behavioral problems. Our unique mutli-disciplinary treatment approach has earned us high success rates in returning children to normal living arrangements and avoiding hospitalization and/or placement in higher or more restrictive levels of care.

The program is organized and structured to include a planned therapeutic environment. This includes a range of rehabilitative services including individual, group and milieu therapy as well as medication support for each client. Schedules are developed weekly which include activities to develop gross motor skills, fine motor skills, social skills, academic success and self esteem with the ultimate goal being the reduction of disruptive behaviors.

Our DTI program seeks to help children with emotional and behavioral disorders function more effectively in their homes, schools, and communities. We work at enhancing positive thinking through creative teamwork to enable children to solve everyday problems, using constructive rather than destructive behavior. The fundamental principle of our approach is to ensure each child is assisted in reaching his/her goals and personal milestone.

Woven throughout the program are essential components and activities that are designed to address intolerable behaviors commonly demonstrated by children with conduct and hyperactivity disorders. These behaviors contribute to social skill deficits, conflicts with peers, oppositional and defiant behavior towards authority figures, withdrawn behaviors and dangerous actions towards self and/or others. All of which tend to cause major harm in family relationships, academic performance and community adjustment.

The foundation for our continued success is parent/caregiver participation, which is a requirement of the treatment process. Parent/Caregiver participation begins with pre-intake and assessment through care plan updates, discharge, and then follow-up. Working with parents/caregivers, a transportation contract is signed at the time of intake and a scheduled pick-up and drop-off location are agreed upon. All services and interventions begin at the time of initial pick-up and end when the client is dropped off at the agreed location. Family nights are held monthly, significant family contacts are made bi-weekly and a daily update on client’s behavior and progress is provided during drop-off. Parents/ Caregivers are members of the team and help in developing their child’s individual behavior and treatment plan. Family involvement in the program is required on a monthly basis

Gross Motor Activities
Fine Motor Activities
Academic Success/Self-Esteem
Milieu Group
Individual/Family Therapy
Medication Support Services
Significant Support Contacts
Cultural Diversity
Services are provided to Children:
Between the ages of 5-11 years
Serves children with emotional and/or behavioral issues
Who are at risk of becoming hospitalized, being removed from their current living situation, and/or having difficulties functioning in school or home
Previous mental health services that have been unsucessful at reducing behaviour.
The DTI program operates at our South Los Angeles Family Service Center located at 8019 S. Compton Ave. in Los Angeles, CA 90001. The program is held Monday-Friday, except on noted holidays, with children attending from 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., to allow them the opportunity to attend regular school.